Exercise 1

  1. Before beginning this exercise, you will need to accept the invitation to our class blog and sign up for a free youtube account (if you don’t already have one).
  2. Using your phone, please record a short video (between 1 and 2 minutes) of yourself telling us a story. The story can be true, fictional, funny, bizarre, uplifting, or sad.
  3. Transfer your video clip from your phone to your desktop machine.
  4. Open Adobe Premiere and import the video (I will be demonstrating this procedure before we begin the exercise).
  5. Edit the video as necessary. You will need to watch your clip and select the parts you want to include, while deleting parts you’d like to leave out. This editing style will result in a number of “jump cuts” (when two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all and time abruptly jumps ahead). You are likely already familiar with this type of edit as it is widely used in youtube videos that feature a host talking to the camera. The final video should be no longer than 2 minutes.
  6. Export your edited video as an h.264 from Premiere.
  7. Upload your video to youtube.
  8. Post your video to our class blog with a heading reading “Your Name Exercise 1” (If I were posting my heading would be “Sean Miller Exercise 1.”) In the body of your post, paste the address of your youtube video.